Sailor Nethus

Senshi of Oceans



Personal Information:


Real Name: Allison

Birthdate: February 22

Sign: Pisces

Age: 14

Hair: Light brown, with streaks of reddish brown.

Eyes: Left eye is blue, right eye is Hazel

Blood Type: O-

Senshi Position: Newborn goddess

Fighting Style: Defensive

Element: Water and Waves...especially tsunamis and hurricanes.

Planetary Symbol:


Personality, Hobbies, Likes and Dislikes:

Allison is a very unique person. She has determination. She will most likely never give up. Although she can whine sometimes. She is a brave warrior also. She is the captain of her swim team at school.. she is practically a fish.She loves school, and gets good grades. She is a computer genious to. Allison likes to be unique and doesn't care what other people think of her. She gets very annoyed at social cliques, and "popular" people. She is an animal lover. Allison is a vegitarian, and is an animal-rights activist. She is a great artist,, and a musician. She can play the piano.. and used to play the drums in her old school's band. She wants to be a foley artist when she grows up(the people who make sound effects for movies if you didn't know). Her best friend in the whole wide world is her dog-"Simba". Allison has many friends and enjoys being at the center of attention. As Sailor Nethus, She has determination. She will most likely never give up. Although she can whine sometimes. She is a brave warrior also. She likes to fight in groups, rather than alone, because she doesn't have much self-esteem.




Transformation, attacks, weapons, etc:

God Nethus,

Power Makeup!

She holds her arms in the air, shouts the words,, and than waves come up from under her, and surround her body,, Blue and Purple stars fly around her.As water washes all over, her outfit begins to appear. She spins around as the waves begin to form a fuka. Than.. as the diamond on her forehead begins to glow with blue and purple light.. her gloves and boots appear. Than glowing, blue and purple ribbons wrap around her hair. Than, as the ribbon ties,, she ends up with her fingers in a peace sign, and star fish surrounding her feet.
Tsunami attack! When Nethus shouts "TSUNAMI ATTACK!" She raises her glowing wand in the air. She moves her hands around as if she is beckoning the giant waves. Than,, large waves.. at terrific speeds,, come tumbling from behind her.. they surround her.. but she is not hurt.. as she points to the enemy.. the waves attack.



A Note from Sailor Nethus:


Hello everyone, I am so happy that I can now help save the world! At first, I was a little scared about the whole thing, but thanks to Cel and Vertumno, I feel a lot better. I am ready to go kick some bad guy butt! YA! This is so cool! Anywho.. you probably know.. I love to swim (duh.. I AM the goddess of oceans). My life, is pretty normal, for a teenager. I get up, go to school, chase guys, go home... the normal stuff! Anywho.. sorry I can't say much.. gotta jet for piano lessons (I forgot to practice.. uh-oh!)


Allison (Sailor Nethus)


PS. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness =0)